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作者: 文章来源:tmgc1234 日期:2024-06-24


履历:2004-2008 年就读于安徽理工大学土木工程专业,获工学学士学位;2008-2011 年就读于安徽理工大学防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业,获工学硕士学位。2011-2015 年就读于浙江大学岩土工程专业,获工学博士学位。2016年至今在宿州学院资源与土木工程学院执教。



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[2] Sun L. Effect of cyclic stress level and overconsolidation ratio on permanent deformation behaviour of clayey subsoil [J]. Civil Engineering Journal. 2018, 4(8):1772-1782.

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[4] SUN Lei, CAI Yuan-qiang, GU Chuan, WANG Jun, GUO Lin, Cyclic deformation behaviour of natural K0-consolidated soft clay under different stress paths. Journal of Central South University, (2015) 22: 4828−4836 (SCI / EI)

[5] Gu C, Wang J, Cai Y, Sun L, et al. Deformation characteristics of overconsolidated clay sheared under constant and variable confining pressure [J]. Soils and Foundations, 2016, 56(3):427-439. (SCI / EI)

[6] ]孙磊,蔡袁强,王军,郭林. 循环围压对饱和软粘土永久变形的影响[J]. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(2): 437~443. (EI)

[7] 孙磊,王军,孙宏磊,谷川,蔡袁强. 循环围压对超固结粘土变形特性影响试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(3): 594~600. (EI)

[8] 孙磊,王军,谷川,郭林.循环偏应力和循环围压耦合效应对饱和软粘土变形特性的影响. 岩土工程学报. 2015, 37 (12): 2198-2204. (EI)
